Contribute by making a donation directly online here.

Donate Directly to Our School’s Biggest Fundraiser!

Contact the Co-Treasurers with questions

The success of Clinton depends on direct contributions from our families to support our school, and we need 100% participation to ensure that the arts-based, rigorously academic culture of our gem of a school remains strong.

Donations are strictly voluntary, but we hope you’ll give according to your family’s means in order to show your community involvement. We ask that every family consider giving a suggested donation of $950.00 per child. Give a little, give a lot: It all adds up to help pay for upgrades in technology, ongoing arts enrichment and community arts partnerships, teacher development, participation in the International Baccalaureate Program, and so much more.  

The Clinton PA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible!

It’s so easy! Make a one-time contribution, or have your donation broken up into recurring monthly installments — the choice is yours.

download the form and mail your check

Make your check out to The Clinton PA and address your envelope to

The Clinton School

Attn: PA Treasurer

10 East 15th St.

New York, NY 10003

corporate matching

Don’t forget to double your money with minimal effort: If your employer has a matching funds program, the HR office can provide you with the forms you need to have your tax-deductible donation to Clinton MATCHED!

Here are some other ways to support Clinton

Solicit and/or Donate items to the annual Clinton Auction.

Attend the Annual Auction of another fundraising event.

Buy Clinton Merchandise (look for announcements of upcoming sales).

Sign up to Volunteer for a committee or event.

Thank you!